This is a historic moment, the beginning of a new era for working people in California.
I am with Gov. Jerry Brown as he signs into law the strongest minimum
wage standards in the nation. With all of us working together, we
secured a $15 minimum wage, providing a better future for workers.
The final obstacles fell away last week, when the governor reached an
agreement with leaders of Unions and the California Legislature. The
Assembly and Senate passed the legislation within a few days.
Most economists agree Californians need a raise — a big one. Now it’s going to happen.
This historic measure strikes a blow to income inequality and will help
lift millions out of poverty. What’s more, it will help Union members
across all industries and pay scales.
This is a perfect example of all Unions working together toward a
progressive agenda. It helps all working people and not just those
working under Union contracts.
new law helps in another important way. It means non-Union retailers
like Walmart are less able to drive wages downward throughout the retail
Here is an example of Union activism in the political process can improve the lives of all working people.
Solidarity does work!
In Solidarity,